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The Best Of My Make-Up Brushes
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Over the years, I’ve built up quite the collection of make-up tools and I’m a brush girl through and through when it comes to applying products. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learnt is that if you invest in a decent brush it’s something that you’ll be able to keep for years as long as you take good care of them…

My Top 4 Facial SPF's
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Every time without fail I go to write about anything remotely related to sunshine the weather turns into nothing short of a monsoon. Whilst I can no longer don my favourite summer dresses in the current climate I’m still applying SPF daily without fail. Something that never even entered my head…

The Beauty Products That Have Made Feel Awesome Lately
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During this strange and scary time, I can’t say I’ve felt like applying a full face of make-up but there are plenty of other products that have bought a lot of joy…

My Top 6 Skincare Items At The Moment
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I’m more focused on my skin and the products that I’m applying to it more than ever at the moment. The combination of getting married and turning 30…

The Best Of My Beauty Routine Right Now
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At the moment when it comes to my beauty routine, I’m all about skincare, I barely wore make-up throughout February and I’ve probably never been so focused on my skincare…

20 Beauty Habits For 2020
With our wedding on the horizon, something that I’m more conscious of than ever is my beauty habits and the not so good ones I’ve acquired over the years. Of course, my wedding isn’t the only reason that I want to tackle these less than desirable habits that I’ve picked up. There’s also the fact that this year…

How To Wash Your Hair As Little As Possible
Getting out of the daily hair washing cycle is something I’m unbelievably proud of myself for doing. Which I’m sure probably sounds ridiculous to most people but I was addicted to washing my hair…

The Best Of Pixi Skincare
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Pixi is a brand that I’ve adored for many, many years. It all started with their cult Glow Tonic and that’s still a product that I use daily and there are so many brilliant skincare and beauty products from the brand…

An End Of Year Beauty Round-Up
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It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve had a good natter about beauty and when I looked through my archives it’s been nearly two months which is quite a while so I’m excited to fill you in on what products I’m loving right now.