All About The Boy
In 2022, we welcomed our first male whippet to the family and what a journey it’s been. There has been certainly some points in the last three years where I’ve really doubted my choice but here’s a little more all about our boy and the journey we’ve had together.

The Considerate Dog Owners Walking Guide
The landscape of dog walking has changed a lot in the last decade. I’ve only been walking my own dogs for seven years but before that I spent a lot of time with my family dog and my experience couldn’t be any different between the two.

Hiking with Hounds
We’ve just come back from another glorious trip in the Lake District so I thought it was finally time to write a post that has been on my to-do list for months. I feel as if I need to begin this post with a slight disclaimer. We’re certainly not the most experienced hikers out there but in the past 5 years, we’ve gradually explored more difficult terrains with our dogs.

Camping With Whippets in the Lake District
Last month, we headed up in a very packed car to go camping in the Lake District. It was a trip that we’d planned for months so excitement was running high as well as a little bit of apprehension as it was our first time camping as well as the first camping trip with Josie and Edie. Our trip was such a success that we’re heading back…

The Best Things We Discovered in 2020
Ahh 2020, what an absolutely awful year you were. Amongst all the truly heinous things that happened, there were little glimmers of good last year and there were also some incredible products I discovered for Josie and Edie and I’m excited to share them with you in this post. Finding great dog products is always something I find super exciting…

Our Experience With Allergies
2020 was a tough year for Josie and Edie’s health. Both girls at differing points of the year have struggled with allergies and Edie continues to struggle now and it’s been tough for us all. The world of dog allergies is so unbelievably complicated and whilst I’m no expert I thought it might be good to share our story and what our experience has been like…