How We Live With Edie's Anxiety
I’ve written about Edie’s separation anxiety before, at that point we’d made really good progress but little did I know we’d spend most of 2020 cooped up inside. I think like most dog owners, we’re having to go back to basics with leaving Edie happily alone but it’s not just separation Edie is struggling with. Since the day that we re-homed her, she's always been a little bit nervous and skittish…
Our Wet Walk Necessities
I know what you’re thinking, why think about the rain when the weather is so beautiful at the moment? Well, if you live in the UK then you know you always have to be prepared for a torrential downpour. After a seriously soggy July and a few too many wet dog walks I thought it was finally time to put this blog post together featuring my favourite things for hounds and humans.
Whippet Essentials I Wish I'd Invested In Sooner
Before we picked up our first hound Josie, there were a few essentials that I knew I’d need for her like food, a collar, and a comfy bed but I was blissfully unaware of all the breed-specific things that I might need for her. I’ve been a sighthound owner for over 3 years now…
5 Misconceptions I Was Told About Sighthounds
It’s been almost 3 years since we brought Josie home, the dog that would change our lives forever and the dog that kicked our love for sighthounds into overdrive. Before we bought her home I did a lot of research and watched a huge amount about sighthounds…
A Few Things We Love Right Now
-this post contains a gifted item-
There have been a few things that I’ve purchased for Josie and Edie lately that I’ve been utterly obsessed with. Instagram Stories only last 24 hours so I thought these things deserved an entire blog post, they’re just that good…
How Getting Josie & Edie Changed My Mental Health For The Better
During this difficult and challenging time of uncertainty, I’m seeking comfort from Josie and Edie more than ever. It’s been almost 3 years since we bought Josie home and I had no idea just how much she was going to change my life and I will never be able to express just how grateful…