The Best Things We Discovered in 2020
The Best Things We Discovered in 2020
Ahh 2020, what an absolutely awful year you were. Amongst all the truly heinous things that happened, there were little glimmers of good last year and there were also some incredible products I discovered for Josie and Edie and I’m excited to share them with you in this post. Finding great dog products is always something I find super exciting, far more thrilling than buying something for myself these days which just gives you an insight into the level of dog ownership I’m at.
charley chau snuggle bed
Charley Chau has a pretty stellar reputation amongst hound owners because if there is one thing we know about whippets is that they will seek out the comfiest spot in the house. We decided to invest in a Charley Chau after years of umming and ahhing as they are really expensive and we were worried it would go unloved or constantly burrowed at. Thankfully, it is now the most loved bed in our house by both dogs and we now only have to share our bed with Edie as Josie curls up all night undisturbed in the Chau. It’s been washed a couple of times and it’s still maintained its fluffiness and even though there have been a few burrowing instances it’s not been pulled or tugged at. These beds are pricey but it’s been well worth the investment for us and we’re currently waiting to order a Ducky Donut bed for downstairs.
Dorwest herbs supplements
The world of supplements for dogs can be confusing. Some dogs might not need an extra support at all but Josie and Edie do and my favourite brand by far is Dorwest Herbs. It all started last year at Crufts with the Keepers Mix, within just a couple of weeks of using it we noticed a big difference in Josie & Edie’s coats and they both grew back fur on their chests which are typically quite a bald area for both on them. Since last year we’ve tried quite a variance of supplements and we’ve noticed such a big difference from using them especially as both dogs have needed so much extra support in the past 12 months due to allergies. If I just had to pick just a couple to recommend to you it would be the Keepers Mix as a general health aid and the Scullcap & Valerian tablets to help with anxiety and overexcitement.
bramble & friends collars
I’ve been a lover of Bramble & Friends ever since Josie was a puppy but always thought she would just ruin anything I bought her instantly so waited quite a while before we started investing in things. 3 years later we still have to make considered purchases because I never want anything to get ruined within just a few uses. Last year, B&F had a sample sale and I picked up these beautiful wool and liberty edged collars and I just adore them. I loved seeing Josie & Edie wear them last summer and I quickly learnt that even though they might look delicate, they’re pretty sturdy (although I hope they never get put through a fox poo roll). Wool is naturally resilient, antibacterial, antimicrobial and incredibly long wearing which is why it’s a great material for a dog collar as well as looking beautiful. We have these lovely wool collars and some of the softy leather collars too in a delicate grey leather, both sets of collars are unlike anything else the girls have and I always love seeing them out on a walk in them.
handmade posh tags
Your dog is required by law to wear an ID tag and we struggled for a couple of years to find a decent one. We found that they either went rusty quite quickly or the lettering faded away making it very difficult for the information to be read which of course is the entire point of them wearing an ID tag. After asking for recommendations over on our Instagram I decided to order a couple of collar tags from PoshTags and since then I’ve ordered a few more sets as I love them that much. The designs we prefer consist of two tags so they jangle nicely against each other. Josie and Edie are so light on their feet you can barely hear them on walks so it’s a nice way to know that they’re close by. There are a plethora of designs to choose from, including a little sighthound charm set so there is something for every dog and human.
occam judd onsie
A good whippet onsie is rare to find, far too often they’re baggy and ill-fitting and the danger of a leg popping out mid zoom is too much of a risk. I’d been eying up the Judd onsie from Occam for a few weeks after seeing some of my most loved hounds on Instagram wearing them and showing them in action. After a real cold snap and more cold weather forecast I decided to make the purchase and they’ve been a great addition to Josie & Edie’s ever growing wardrobe. The Judd is a soft cotton onsie that moves perfectly with J and E whether they’re gently trotting or running full speed. Due to the way it’s designed and cut on the hind legs it’s never moved down which is really quite incredible considering the speed they can run. Even Josie, who isn’t always the biggest fan of onsies is really happy when wearing this as it’s so soft and comfortable but it doesn’t lose its shape whilst being worn.
dg dog gear outdoor weather coat
The first winter that we had Edie I knew that she would need a seriously good coat as she is such a shivery little whippet. After scouring the internet I found this coat from DG Dog Gear and saved it as a bookmark, knowing that one day I would purchase it as it looked like such a good jacket. Fast forward 2 years, we had been planning a Scotland road trip for months which sadly got cancelled last minute but I purchased these coats around a month before we were due to go. I was worried that they’d sit unloved but they’ve been their most worn coats ever, they’re incredibly warm and waterproof. They’re different to any other style of coat we own as well, they have a panel under the chest which helps to keep the warmth in as well as a lead hole in the neck. We had temperatures of -10 and a lot of snow this winter and not once did we have any shivering legs in these coats, I will 100% buy them in another colour as we love them so much.
redhound for dogs leather collar
A good leather collar is such a staple for Josie and Edie. I adore our cloth martingales but when it comes to the colder seasons and wet weather I prefer a leather collar that is easy to wipe down incase they get splattered in mud or there’s a dreaded fox poo roll. I’d always admired the Redhound for Dogs collars and had a good feel of them one year at Crufts but I was worried they’d get scratched beyond repair with the intense matches of bitey face and neck that Josie and Edie love to have. Even though they’re made with the softest Nubuck leather they have withstood anything Josie & Edie have thrown at them within the past 9 months and still look as good as new. The beautiful deep green shade suits both girls so beautifully and we've just purchased the raspberry shade which looks lovely too.