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My Most Loved Gym Essentials Right Now
-this post contains PR samples-
I’ve been a regular gym frequenter for a few months now after taking a couple of years break and I’ve finally fallen back into a good routine with it. I’m quite particular with what I use and wear to the gym and I’m always so interested in what other people use to make their workouts even better as it’s something that is so personal. As of right now, my main focus is on running and light weights so it’s nothing too out there and this is what works for me and my workouts.

Everything I Wish I Knew Before I Started Running
You’ve probably seen me mention that I’m currently using the Couch to 5k app to help me get back in the swing of things with running. Back in 2015 I fell in love with running, never before had I felt so mentally free in my entire life but a few months in I really hurt my knee and that left me unable to run comfortably for years. Last year I briefly picked running back in the summer but when the weather turned I didn’t fancy doing it in the freezing cold so it wasn’t until I rejoined the gym did I start opening the app again a few times a week. And this is everything I wish I knew about running before I started.

Why I've Started Running Again & An Honest Chat About Mental Health and Fitness
You might have spotted on Twitter a few weeks ago that not only have I started running again but I've done so with my beloved Josie in tow. My exercise routine has certainly not been consistent over the past year and I really fell out of love with it. I tried so often to get back into the swing of things but could never stick to it so my daily dog walks were the only thing keeping me fit. And I adore them but they don't give me the same buzz as getting sweaty does so a couple of weeks ago I got back my Nike Free Runs back out of retirement and got moving again and it felt fantastic. So I thought I'd share some tips about running with your pupper as well as why I love running so much and why I'm so glad I've got back into it.

What I'm Doing Fitness Wise Right Now & Finding Joy In It Once Again
This January was the first time I didn't feel myself itching to get back into the gym after the festivities. Mostly down to having the flu but also because my relationship with fitness has changed so much. For so long it was the thing that helped my mental health stay somewhat in check as well as being something I genuinely loved. I never thought I'd be the girl who felt that way about the gym but last year I really saw myself go through a lull with the whole fitness thing, which I resisted for so long mostly because I thought my brain would fall apart without it. Very dramatic I know but if you have that type of relationship with fitness you will understand where I'm coming from and why I was in such despair about it. Over the past few months, well since we've had Josie really I've changed what I do to keep myself active so much and it's completely changed my mindset. I have a little bit of strange urge to know what people do to say active so this is what I'm doing right now.

Why I Fell Out Of Love With Fitness & Why I'm Ok With It
For years, going to the gym was such a big part of my life. It was something that I truly fell in love with, which is never something I expected to happen as for so long I hated exercise. At school, I used to dread P.E and would find any reason not to do it so when I got into the middle of my twenties and found myself regularly going to the gym it was a shock to the system. But this year I felt a change at the gym and between moving house and getting a dog I've really fallen off the fitness wagon and I'm actually really ok with that and here's why...

So I Fell Off The Health Bandwagon & Here Is How I'm Trying To Hop Back On
After consuming way too much sugar around my birthday, it was high time that I had a good look at my diet as well as rekindle my love for fitness. Truth be told I hadn't really been feeling the whole exercise thing for a while, I'd been really unwell and that pushed me off fitness bandwagon but I know it's something that once I'm in a good groove with it I thrive. I've spoken so many times about the solace I find in fitness for my mental health and of course because it wasn't something I was doing my MH really suffered as well as the amount of sugar I was eating had a knock on effect. So here are the little things that I'm doing to get back on track that aren't life changing but like most things, it's always the small steps that make the biggest difference.

Little Steps Towards A Healthier Lifestyle That Make A Big Difference
Health is something that's become important to me now I'm in the latter half of my twenties. As a teenager and even in the very beginning of my twenties I just presumed my body was always going to be super resilient and could always handle what I was throwing at it and all the junk I was eating but it can't. And it's always such a topical issue when it comes to what makes for a healthy lifestyle and it's of course, very very personal but for me and my life, it's all about balance. So I thought today I'd share some of the small steps I've made towards living a healthier lifestyle that I do and the difference that they've made in my life.

On The Quest To Be...Strong & An Honest Chat About Fitness
Physically I'm without a doubt one of the weakest people I know, there is no denying that. So writing a post all about wanting to be stronger is something that I never ever thought that I would be doing. Exercise is something that I've never really been too interested in because I never found it enjoyable, it always just felt like a lot of hard work and I never gave it much time. And it wasn't until I realised how much it helped my mental health that I made a real big effort to make it an important part of my life. I don't have the easiest relationship with fitness that's for sure but I'm not sure anyone finds it that straight forward. 2017 is the year that I've decided that I want to try and work on my strength so are some thoughts on that as well as a few honest reflections on exercise in general.

Gym Wear That's Functional & Flattering
I've really got back into my fitness routine lately and one of the biggest realisations I've had is that I rely on nice gym clothes to get me in the mood to exercise. And yes it's a little materialistic but if it makes you feel good then there is nothing wrong with it in my eyes, we all have our own ways of getting motivated and a nice outfit to wear is mine. Good quality, long lasting and flattering gym clothes typically aren't that budget friendly but here is an edit of all the things that I like to wear from leggings to socks and the vast majority of them are pretty affordable.