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A Little Look Around My Office
As my office has had a fresh lick of paint and someone on Instagram suggested I share the details of what's inside it seemed like the perfect time to write this post. Having my own little office to call my own is such a luxury, for such a long time I was working from a tiny little desk in my bedroom…

Everything I've Learnt About Decorating Your Home
Before I get into today’s post I want to talk about what’s going on in the world right now because it’s pretty scary. Here in the UK we have confirmed cases of Covid-19 but we’re yet to go into lockdown yet but we are seeing the ripple effect of the virus…

The Homebodies Guide To Surviving Winter | AD
-this is a paid partnership with Local Heroes-
As a certified homebody if there is one time of year that I thrive in at home its winter. When the weather is less than desirable outside, it naturally means that we’re all more likely to spend more time wrapped in our favourite blanket…

My Most Loved Houseplants & Planters At The Moment
After renovating our lounge I decided it was finally time to pick up some new houseplants. Before we sorted the room out it was very cluttered and there wasn’t much room for anything else but now we’ve got rid of the majority of things and cleared some space it was time to introduce some more greenery to the space as nothing makes me happier than a room filled with different plants. As well as my new additions there has been one plant that's finally come into its own after a near-death experience earlier in the year and these are the details on all of them as well as some very lovely planters that don’t cost a small fortune.

Our Lounge Renovation: Before & After
We’re about 85% done with our lounge renovations, we’ve still got some finishing touches to do but we’re pretty much at the end of our to-do list and I can’t believe how much of a difference it’s made to the entire house. It’s a room that we’d put off doing anything to as we felt a little lost with what we wanted to achieve. So we took everything back to basics and the finished result is exactly what I wanted for this space as we’re pretty limited to what we can do with the area but I think the things we have done have had a huge impact and they look a little something like this...

Expectations vs Reality: Renovations
We’re currently in the process of renovating our lounge and whilst I was surrounded by paint and dust I got the idea for this post. There are so many blogs, Instagram profiles and YouTube channels dedicated to renovating houses and rooms but so often they skim over all the nitty-gritty. And when it came to making changes in our home I was not prepared for everything that goes into it and there are so many things I wish people would talk about more when it comes to the whole renovation process.

Our Current House Renovation Plans
As my boyfriend and I have shelved the conversation of moving for a little while we’re ready to make some more changes to our home. We’re not doing anything crazy or too expensive because we know we’re going to be moving in the next couple of years and have to be realistic with what adds value to the house and what is just to our taste as house renovations add up real fast. Our bathroom renovation was undoubtedly the biggest thing we took on and 8 months on we’re still so happy with the finished result and we’re hoping we’ll be just as happy with the results of all our other plans.

The Best Houseplants For Beginners
Houseplants are seriously popular at the moment and it’s wonderful. Having greenery in your home is unbelievably good for our living environments and I think it’s really fun to have something that you need to tend to and subsequently get to see thrive. All that being said, some are easier than others to look after and these are my top 5 houseplants for beginners and no, there’s not a succulent in sight...

My Most Loved Houseplants
After watching Jenna Marble’s video all about her houseplants it inspired me to write this as without a doubt one of the most loved things in my home is my plants and I shared her excitement for them all and their upkeep (apart from maybe the dusting). I’ve been collecting houseplants for around 5ish years now and whilst I’ve certainly had my fair share of casualties seeing them grow and thrive is something that I often wonder brings me far too much joy. Anyway, I thought I’d share some of my most loved plants in my collection, as well as the ones that I’ve found, are easiest to take care of.