3 Of Our Favourite Small Businesses To Shop From
We’d only had Josie a week when I realised that when it came to her collar and coat I was undoubtedly going to have purchase something online as the selection for hounds in our local pet shops is absolutely abysmal and still is. And whilst shopping online has its drawbacks something that having a long-necked and oddly shaped dog has given me is the chance to support small businesses and that is something I try and do whenever I can. Over the past couple of years, I’ve certainly developed my favourites so just in case you’re in need of doing some shopping for your odd but beautiful dog these are our favourite places to shop.
redhound for dogs
You’re all probably well aware of our huge love for Redhound For Dogs as 90% of the jumpers and coats the girls wear are from Redhound. I started shopping from Debbie last year when I knew Josie wasn’t going to get any bigger so it was time to start investing in her outerwear and we started with the classic fleece jumper. Debbie has helped us so much with everything we’ve bought and has been incredibly accommodating to Josie’s long body and we’ve acquired quite the collection as it’s frankly impossible not to want more with all the styles and colours on offer. Not only is it the classic designs of Redhound that I adore so much it’s the practicality too. We don’t like to purchase anything that can’t be washed or wiped down and no matter how much I’ve put their Redhound items through the wash they’ve come out as good as new. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to purchase a wax jacket for both of them soon but I’m not sure if they’ve grown out of rolling in fox poo phase just yet...
Not only do I shop at Redhound because it’s the best attire out there I’ve found for Josie and Edie to stay warm (and undeniably chic). But, Debbie has been a constant source of support for any worry I might have had about either dog. From Edie and her allergies, Josie and love of wandering off, their mutual love for looking like they’re killing each other whilst playing and a number of other things. She truly cares about the hounds that she caters for and of course, I love keeping up to date with Winnie & George and all their naughty antics.
bella & duke
It took me a long time to find a raw food company that could give us everything we wanted for a reasonable price. Generally, I prefer to feed Josie and Edie raw as it’s what I’ve found agrees with them both the best and ever since feeding them Bella & Duke there has never been a morsel of food left over. Their website makes it super easy for you to work out how much food you need each day for your dogs and what type of food to go for. We go for the working dog complete and it suits both girls wonderfully, they’ve never had an upset tummy or any other adverse effect with the veg either as Edie can be incredibly sensitive to a lot of the green stuff. It costs me around £2.60 to feed both dogs a day and for the quality of the food I’m thrilled with that, managing our subscription is super easy too so we know when their food is coming and you can pause it at any time which is great.
brindle & whyte
We have some absolutely beautiful leather collars (we’ll share more on those in another post) but our most shopped from brand is undeniably Brindle & Whyte. I bought Josie her first one last year when I knew her neck wasn’t going to change size as I'd been eying them up since she was around 4 months old and I bought the extra wide martingale in Olive green. She wore it all summer into autumn, got it covered in mud, sand and goodness knows what else and no matter how many times it’s been through the wash it’s come out good as new. Anya (the human behind the brand) was kind enough to gift us a beautiful seville orange set last year and then recently we purchased the granite and silver Atacama collar and leads which compliment the girls contrasting coats. The simple and timeless design of these collars is absolutely beautiful but they’re also highly practical and can be popped in the washing machine or hand washed. In the past couple of months, I’ve preferred to walk the girls in Martingale collars when possible as we’ve had some scary incidents of them trying to slip their leather collars and that isn’t a possibility when they’re in a well-fitted Martingale.