The Story Of Edie & Her Sensitive Tummy
Some of you may be aware that the only type of chicken (or any poultry for that matter) Edie can have a little nibble on is that of a plush kind. At the end of the summer, we finally found out why Edie always had a bad tummy as well as a number of other issues she struggled with. And it’s been a tough change to handle but now we’re finally on top of it so I thought it was about time I sat and wrote this post just incase there is anyone else struggling with a poorly puppy as it was incredibly stressful and upsetting. As always though, this is just our experience and if you have a poorly pup please do make an appointment to see your vet.
Josie The Wanderer
I thought today I’d finally share a little update on Josie now she’s 18 months old. We got Josie at 9 weeks old and boy did she arrive with a bang, she’s the first dog that I’ve owned as an adult and in just 14 months she’s taught me an incredible amount. As well as sharing a little update on her I also thought I’d finally give an insight into how we deal with Josie and her wanderings. The idea for this post came about after I mentioned that my beloved little hound tends to roam and my inbox instantly filled with questions about how we deal with it. We’ve come along way lately, I've not cried in the woods at all and here is everything we have learned.
Why Sighthounds?
Considering I've created an Instagram and a blog for the dogs you might already know, I've got a soft spot for long snoots. But I realised, I've never shared some of the reasons why we chose to have sighthounds as pets and why we believe they're such a brilliant breed. Sadly, I think a lot of people get hounds all wrong and presume their vicious because of their speed but I've yet to meet an unfriendly sighthound who didn't want to lean against your legs whilst enjoying a fuss.
The Whippet Puppy Survival Guide
Puppies in general, are one of the best things in the world. And of course, I'm very biased but sighthound puppies, in particular, are so special and having raised one little hound and being in the process of raising another we've developed our own little survival guide. Because as adorable as those tiny snoots are, they can be quite the handful and you go from cooing over your sweet little pup to staring into space whilst they zoom around the house destroying everything in their way wondering how you're going to get through the next few months.
A Few Recent Favourites
Considering how much I buy for the dogs, seriously I think I spend more on them than I do myself it never occurred to me to share the items that I really love and think are worth the money in the hound world. Of course, I do this over on From Roses all the time but a post like this is yet to appear on The Adventures Of Josie & Edie, so enjoy our first instalment.
Teaching A Sighthound Recall; Everything We've Learned
If there is one thing that sighthound owners can all generally relate on, it's the struggle of recall. It's something that we knew would be a challenge before we got Josie but we never anticipated how hard we would find it and today I thought I'd share everything that we've learned in the past year. And just to add a small disclaimer, my dogs certainly aren't perfect so this isn't a post about how to get your sighthound to have impeccable recall and it's more about what we've learned and things we've found to be very effective.