5 Things I'm Trying To Improve About Myself
5 things i’m trying to improve about myself
I guess you could say these things that I’m trying to work on are a little bit like new year's resolutions. However, I don’t have a strict time limit on them like you often do with those resolutions. It’s taken me a long time to understand that not everything comes naturally to us and there are some things that are certainly worth working on if they’re going to make your life a little easier in the long run and this is what I’m currently trying to improve in my life.
self motivation
Working from home means that I’m the only one who is in charge of how much I can get done in a day and whilst that is something that works for me I have found myself struggling a lot lately when times are quiet with work. Working to a deadline is something that I absolutely thrive from and obviously, there is more pressure when you’re trying to meet the time demands of someone else other than yourself. Being a freelancer means that I don’t always have a deadline to work to and the work that I do that helps attract paid work are the things that I create for the love of what I do. For a long time, I used to work to the strictest deadlines and put a crazy amount of pressure on myself which ended up in serious burn out so finding a middle ground is something that I’m trying to work towards as it doesn’t need to be all or nothing.
This kind of ties into my struggle of motivating myself but my time management skills have gone to absolute pot lately. I’m not sure what happened but either way, they are something that I need to work on and again I need to strike somewhat of a balance between dedicating hours to something and then only a few minutes to something else. Time blocking is something that I’m going to try out as I know that’s something that so many people thrive from and I think it’s probably something my brain will love. As well as removing any distractions from my work area like my phone. Whilst I can argue it’s how I run part of my business it’s also a huge distraction and it’s something that I find myself picking up more and more than I’d like. So I need to practice what I recommend to other people and leave it somewhere else because there is no need for me to be on my phone so often throughout the day.
My boyfriend and I have fallen into some quite bad habits with our diet in the past year and I know we’re not eating anywhere near as well as we could be. We have the time and funds to be able to whip up some lovely meals but because we’ve slipped into bad habits we seem to seek connivance more than anything else right now. As we’re approaching Spring it feels like no better time to work some more nutrient-dense elements to our meals as we’re not eating anywhere enough fruit and veg. We’re both vegetarians and we really want to work towards a more plant-based diet as it's pretty beige right now.
beauty routine
When my schedule becomes busy the first thing that goes down the figurative drain is my beauty routine. I still get all the basics done like cleansing my face AM & PM and washing my hair every few days but I don’t take the time to do the extras that I get so much joy from. Those added extras are;
Using hair masks.
Applying a deep cleansing face mask.
Painting my nails.
Trying out different beauty products.
not being so hard on myself
Whilst this might sound hypocritical because this entire post is centred on the things that I want to improve about myself. Something I seriously need to work on is my self-confidence as I don’t think I’ve ever struggled with it as much as I do at the moment. No matter what I do the self-doubt creeps in and I hate that I'm feeling so downtrodden about what I’m doing and only picking fault in the things that I work on as that’s a horrible way to be to yourself. I’m sure it’s something that we can all relate to and the things that we say to ourselves are never like anything that we would say it anybody else in our lives.