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How I'm Keeping My Mental Health In Check Right Now
February bought a lot of snow and general unease as we approached March, the month that marks one year of various stages of lockdown life. It’s somewhat obvious to say that every single one of us has felt the strain on our mental health somehow. Some more than others, but a year of not seeing our loved ones, feeling their warm embrace…

Everything I Loved in Autumn
With everything that is going on in the world right now, it’s hard to believe that we’ve only been officially in the winter season for a few weeks. Autumn was a season of two halves, the first being generally quite normal, well whatever that means right now, and then the second half was spent in a month-long lockdown. There were a few things I purchased and discovered in autumn that soon became firm favourites…

Hello 2021
Wishing a happy new year has never felt so strange. We’re finally out of 2020, a tumultuous year to put it lightly, and right now things aren’t set to improve anytime soon which is beyond heartbreaking. World events this year have weighed every on my mind every single day which has been portrayed with how infrequently this blog has been updated. I don’t think I’ve ever been so quiet on this corner of the internet in almost a decade of blogging…

An Autumn To-Do List
For once, I’m truly ready for summer to be over which is not something that I ever thought I’d say as I’ve been a summer lover for my entire life. Maybe it’s because this year has been so terrible in so many different ways that I’m looking to autumn like a little bit of a fresh start even though in reality nothing is really changing for me. September has always lit a fire within me to get organised and my productivity switches on like a light…

What Self Care Truly Means To Me | AD
-this post is a paid partnership with Dove-
Self-care is one of those phrases that turned into a little bit of a buzz word a few years ago. It seemed to be a little bit of a trend, but there should be nothing trendy about taking good care of yourself so you can pour from a full cup into all the aspects of your life…

A Few Summer Favourites
-this post contains PR samples-
It feels like it’s been forever since I wrote about anything fun and frivolous so I’m really looking forward to writing this post. Naturally, with everything going on in the world there have been more important things to use my platform for rather than materialistic things. All that being said, I have been looking forward to chatting about all the things…

Your Weekend Reading, Watch & Listen List #20
Whilst the weather is absolutely glorious today the rest of July has been pretty abysmal weather-wise, I’ve worn my Winter coat and a jumper far more than I’d like to admit. So, this means I’ve been watching, listening, and reading to a whole lot more than I would have done if the weather was like it is this morning. I’ve found some real gems lately…

The Joy of Knitting | AD
-this post is a paid partnership with LoveCrafts-
If I could go back to my twenty-year-old self and tell that her in a few years instead of going out shopping she would be spending her money on yarn and teaching herself how to knit, she probably wouldn’t have believed you. A few years ago, during a particularly anxious time in my life, I taught myself how to knit…

Your Weekend Reading, Watch & Listen List #19
I truly hope everyone is well and still saying as safe as they can be? Things in the UK certainly feel uneasy at the moment with the talk of easing lockdown restrictions. It’s hard to know what is going to happen next and what the bigger picture will be and how collectively we will find a new normal…