What Self Care Truly Means To Me | AD
What Self Care Truly Means To Me|ad
-this post is a paid partnership with Dove-
Self-care is one of those phrases that turned into a little bit of a buzz word a few years ago. It seemed to be a little bit of a trend, but there should be nothing trendy about taking good care of yourself so you can pour from a full cup into all the aspects of your life. Over the years, I’ve realised that for me self-care looks like a lot of things rather than just one big act and I’m excited to share with you today what self-care truly means to me.
As I work from home something that's incredibly important in my routine is getting outside at least once a day and of course, having two dogs ensures I do this as long as it’s not raining too much. Undeniably there are some days that I really don’t feel like bundling up and going out on the really cold days but how I feel afterwards is always worth it. Getting to see the seasons change throughout the year is so incredible, walking daily you notice the tiniest little things changing like the ferns unfolding in summer and then them starting to turn a golden brown once September hits. Going out in the morning before I start my workday gives my mind a little rest from looking at tech and I find that my day tends to go a lot better once I’ve had some exercise as my mind generally feels a lot clearer and I’m able to focus so much more. I have quite an anxious mind that is prone to overthinking so getting out helps me put things a little bit more into a rational perspective which is what I desperately need.
For most people, their biggest form of self-care comes from their beauty routine and it's certainly one of my favourite parts of my routine. Some days it’s as simple as washing my face and brushing my teeth and other days it might be a little more in-depth like using a hair and face mask. I’m not sure why I always tend to put off washing my hair as there is nothing quite as good as clean hair if you ask me. We’re in the warmer months right now and that always means I’m more on top of moisturising routine and throughout the last few months I’ve been using the Dove Gradual Self Tan Mousse. Adding a little bit of a tint to my body helps my confidence so much when showing my skin to the world in the warmer months and this product from Dove adds the perfect amount of colour on my fair skin. It's so easy and quick to use too, you don't have to wait around for hours for it to dry and it never leaves any marks on my bedding or pjs. Keeping my body nourished is one of those things that is such a simple part of my routine but makes a huge difference in how I feel about myself and of course, how my body feels too.
I’m extremely fortunate that my job is something that began as a hobby and there are so many aspects of it that are still something that I love to do in my free time. Photography is undeniably one of my biggest hobbies and whether it’s taking photographs of my dogs or a beautiful floral scene, it’s something that brings me so joy to my day. Now we’re heading into Autumn it’s my favourite time to take my camera out and about on our morning dog walks or weekend adventures. Alongside photography a hobby that is strictly kept inside preferably wrapped in a blanket is knitting. It’s something that I taught myself to do a few years ago and it’s such a cathartic practice. Seeing a ball of yarn become either a square for a blanket or a snood for my dogs is such an incredible feeling.
the little things that make all the difference
Waking up to sunshine.
That first sip of coffee in the morning.
Ticking off everything on my to-do list.
Finding a series that you can’t stop watching.
The seasons changing.
Freshly dried washing off the line.
The first page of a new book.
Making a pasta bake on a cold day.
The feeling of a worn in jumper.