Getting Used To A New Normal
Getting Used To A New Normal
Writing blog posts seems a little strange right now. It feels weird not to talk about current events all the time because it’s something that is affecting everyone around the world and it’s incredibly serious. However, the constant talk about current events can be incredibly distressing and people undeniably need a little bit of escapism in times like this. So I’m trying to keep things as normal as I can on this corner of the internet whilst being sensitive to what’s going on which leads me to today’s post…trying to get used to a new ‘normal’ in the current climate.
it’s not normal
It’s fair to say that what’s happening the world right now is unlike anything we’ve been through before. There have been devastating viruses of course, but this is the first time that I know the world has to go into some sort of lockdown apart from war times. So we’re in completely unkown waters with no guide and no real idea of what is going to happen. Whilst I’m trying to get used to what our new normal is throughout this scary time I feel like it’s important to not put a huge amount of pressure on myself because life is far from normal right now.
the sense of loss
There’s undeniably a huge sense of loss throughout the world right now. For some, they might be going through the unthinkable loss of a loved one which must be unbearable to even begin to process. For so many of us, there is the loss of work, many have lost their job as a result of this and find themselves without any income which is terrifying. Then there are the personal losses and all the plans that will no longer happen. Even though we know that it’s for the best and for the safety of the country it doesn’t make it any easier to process or try and handle your emotions. For me, the loss of work has been really tough to deal with as it’s a lot of financial pressure and worry to handle with no real idea of when regular work might come in again. And, our biggest personal loss right now is the large possibility that we might have to postpone our wedding in October which makes me super sad. Obviously, we have no idea what will be happening next month let alone in six so there’s no point in trying to plan for anything but we’re trying to remain hopeful until we know any difference.
not feeling the pressure to suddenly have the motivation to do a million things
I’ve lost count of how many posts I’ve seen about making the most of the time we have right now and whilst a lot of us do have more free time than usual that doesn’t mean there should be loads of pressure to redecorate every room in our house, do our best creative work ever, have an incredible workout routine and bake every single day. If you have the energy and motivation to do those things then that is really wonderful but it’s safe to say so many of us don’t and that niggling pressure to constantly do more can be tough to manage. The disappearance of structure and normalcy in my life is something that I’ve undeniably struggled with and that’s ok. I truly think it’s pretty impossible to function at all normally in a global pandemic and the constant pressure to do so is hard to handle.
what normal looks like right now for me
Working from home: Something that I’ve done for close to seven years, whilst work might not be anywhere close to normal I feel more fortunate than ever to have a business that can function from home.
A new project: A business that I love and shop from hired me to do a little bit of social media work for them so that has been an absolute blessing in this current climate. Not only for having a little bit of income coming in but to have a tiny bit of structure for the upcoming months.
Walking Josie and Edie: We’re allowed to go out once a day in the UK to exercise right now as I'm writing this so Josie and Edie can be walked somewhat as normal which is a part of my day that I look forward to and treasure.
My boyfriend going to work: When my boyfriend stopped touring he utilised his HGV license to get a permanent steady flow of work and right now he’s classed a key worker. Him working his normal hours and then some has bought a sense of normalcy to our days which has been good for both of us.
I hope everyone is as safe and well as they can be right now