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Our Small & Simple Wedding
Just over four months ago, we finally got married after two cancelled dates and a whole host of worry and uncertainty. I would have loved to write this post and say that all those worries and uncertainties for people trying to get married at the moment have faded away but unfortunately, things seem more uncertain than ever with the new covid variant. I truly feel for people trying to plan their special day right now and have been for the past two years…

Why I Stopped Being A Full Time Blogger
Part of me thought mentioning that I’d stopped blogging as my full-time job on Instagram and briefly in a few blog posts was enough but then the question kept on coming up and I realised maybe the subject did deserve a post explaining why. Last year, things changed a lot for me as I imagine they did for everyone when the pandemic hit and it made me face some uncomfortable truths that I’d been hiding from for a little too long…

The Start Of A New Chapter
Last week, Tuesday the 24th of August we *finally* got married and it truly was the happiest day of my life. We both got to breathe a huge sigh of relief that it was happening and we didn’t have to think about what if we had to move it again or anything else going wrong. After moving it twice we were very ready to say I do and move onto the next chapter of our lives. I'm going to write a small series of blog posts about our wedding…

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Just a quick little post from me to you to wish you all a safe and wonderful Christmas and a thank you for all of your continued support this year. It's undoubtedly been one of the hardest years I’ve ever faced and I truly don't know what the next year will hold. Things in the world are extremely stressful and we’re all feeling some sort of heartache right now…

Let's Catch Up
It’s been a couple of months since I’ve sat and opened my laptop raring to write a blog post, there’s been a few reasons for this which I won’t bore you with but I’m hoping that posts won’t be so sparse from now on. The last time I wrote a post I was full of plans for autumn but things quickly took a turn in the UK and right now we’re back in lockdown measures. Which certainly didn’t come as a shock but it’s come with its own set of worries and dread…

Let's Talk: Creatively Lulls In Lockdown
Hi, Hello? Remember me? Whilst, I know I don’t *have* to apologise for not posting anything I want to as I truly didn’t mean to be so quiet on the blog front or on the internet in general, to be honest. When lockdown in the UK was announced I thought it would be a time where I would get back into the swing of things with blogging…

Coming Off The Pill: 3 Months On
It’s officially been over 3 months since I decided I was finally ready to stop taking the contraceptive pill. Those 3 months have passed by at a rapid rate but so many things have changed in that time for me. When I took my last Cilest pill, I wasn’t sure what to expect but my brain was prepared for things to be hard…

Ways To Support The Black Lives Matter Movement Now & Forever
This week is one that will go down in history and I hope it sparks an extremely overdue conversation between people forever. For far too long, I’ve shamefully sat on the sidelines too worried about saying the wrong thing which is absolutely not ok. It’s so wrong…

Turning 30 in Lockdown & 30 For Thirties
A couple of weeks ago I hit the big thirty. It’s a birthday I’ve actually been really looking forward to but hitting a big milestone in the middle of a global pandemic felt a little strange to say the least. We did have plans to spend the weekend in the south but all those plans got cancelled and we stayed at home…