Turning 30 in Lockdown & 30 For Thirties
turning 30 in lockdown & 30 in my thirties
A couple of weeks ago I hit the big thirty. It’s a birthday I’ve actually been really looking forward to but hitting a big milestone in the middle of a global pandemic felt a little strange to say the least. We did have plans to spend the weekend in the south but all those plans got cancelled and we stayed at home, had a dog walk in one of our favourite local spots and saw my family from the end of the drive. Whilst it wasn’t the way I ideally wanted to spend my day it was still a wonderful birthday and a lovely way to welcome a new decade of my life.
30 to-do’s for my thirties
To finally let go of the anxiety that my twenties were riddled with.
To get married to get to the most wonderful human I know.
To travel around the UK more.
To stop worrying about things that haven’t happened yet.
To stand up for the causes that I believe in.
To build my business more and come away from a freelance business structure.
To foster a dog.
To finally start running properly and make it a priority even in winter.
To read the books I’ve got sat on my bookshelf.
To broaden the things that I listen to.
To finally master the art of cooking.
To celebrate the little victories more often.
To make sleep a priority, no more even scrolling for me.
To wear SPF every single day without fail.
To stop letting fear get in the way.
To always have a glass of water nearby so I don’t forget to stay hydrated.
To go camping around the UK.
To keep on learning.
To shop more second hand.
To embrace being an introvert.
To appreciate my friendships more than ever.
To keep on blogging, whether it be my job or just a hobby.
To go on more day trips.
To wear shoes that offer proper support for my feet.
To be a better listener.
To raise awareness for the cruelty and mistreatment of sighthounds.
To learn how to make really, really good coffee.
To listen to my gut a little more, she’s always right.
To go to Disneyland .
To always try my best.
do you have any to-do’s for your thirties?