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Everything I'm Trying To-Do That Doesn't Involve Panicking
Since I last wrote anything about what is going on in the world things have now changed drastically in the UK and we’re now in lockdown. As of right now, I’m still allowed to walk the dogs so I’m savouring my time with them outside as other than that I’m staying inside isolating away…
Let's Talk: Coming Off The Pill After 15 Years
A big decision that I finally made this month is to come off the pill after 15 years of being on it. It’s something that’s been floating around in the back of my mind for a long time but I could never quite figure out what to do or what was right for me…
A Little Look Around My Office
As my office has had a fresh lick of paint and someone on Instagram suggested I share the details of what's inside it seemed like the perfect time to write this post. Having my own little office to call my own is such a luxury, for such a long time I was working from a tiny little desk in my bedroom…
My Top 6 Skincare Items At The Moment
-this post contains PR samples-
I’m more focused on my skin and the products that I’m applying to it more than ever at the moment. The combination of getting married and turning 30…
Everything I've Learnt About Decorating Your Home
Before I get into today’s post I want to talk about what’s going on in the world right now because it’s pretty scary. Here in the UK we have confirmed cases of Covid-19 but we’re yet to go into lockdown yet but we are seeing the ripple effect of the virus…
5 Things I'm Trying To Improve About Myself
I guess you could say these things that I’m trying to work on are a little bit like new year's resolutions. However, I don’t have a strict time limit on them like you often do with those resolutions. It’s taken me a long time to understand that not everything comes naturally to us…
What I've Loved Watching Lately
Due to the less than desirable weather in the UK (although lately, things have brightened ever so slightly) I’ve been watching far more tv than I usually do as there’s been little else to do than hunker down inside. In combination with the miserable conditions and lots of new releases on Netflix and all my favourite US shows coming back…
A Few Lifestyle Favourites from February
February felt like a funny old month and it wasn’t the month I was hoping for that’s for sure. I think we had a storm every single weekend and I’ve never walked the dogs so little as I did last month which completely threw off my routine…
The Best Of My Beauty Routine Right Now
-this post contains PR samples-
At the moment when it comes to my beauty routine, I’m all about skincare, I barely wore make-up throughout February and I’ve probably never been so focused on my skincare…